Friday, March 7, 2014

Perceptions of Power

Varied indeed are attitudes surrounding the impending application of the Power of Positive Drinking. 

Depicted at left, you'll see aspiring adept Ania, brimming with enthusiasm at the prospect of an evening fuelled by that magical elixir we devotees of The Power know to be the wellspring of all things good in the world. 

Demonstrating a practiced nonchalance, she views the night's trivial details (such as recalling her home address) with the cavalier consideration she feels they merit... instead, focusing on the serious business at hand.

Conversely, Fernando, a seasoned veteran, views the occasion with some trepidation -- understanding from experience that misapplication of The Power may ultimately lead to what is known as 'The Power Nap' (typically undertaken upon the countertops of one's closest companions). 

Finally at right, we see Gemma, who approaches the upcoming event with the solemnity it so rightly deserves. Exhibiting characteristic steely determination, she remembers that with great Power comes great responsibility (as she is responsible for actually remembering to take her jacket home this evening).

Still, as one of the  primary "Precepts of The Power" instructs us, "anticipation, absent fulfillment, is Power denied"; and with this in mind, no further delay is permitted by these acolytes of alcohol (or Alcolytes as they are known by their fellow initiates).

However, this is merely the first salvo fired in the day's battle against the tyranny of the liver, as we commence celebrations of Ania's ascension to fully-fledged Alcolyte, with all the honour and prestige commensurate with that lofty station.

More to follow...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Feel the Power!

Look at these brilliant cats... clearly exercising the power!
Through the ancient art of distillation, mankind has elevated his lowly station upon the good earth from that of barely sentient ape, to the heights of godlike genius we remarkable creatures now undeniably possess. 

Truly there are few of historical note whose successes cannot in large be attributed to the liberal application of the power of positive drinking:

  • First men on the moon? - Buzz (Aldrin) was most certainly buzzed.
  • Colonel Saunders? Hammered.
  • Churchill? Permanently pickled.
  • Jesus? Guy loved his wine so much he waved his magic wand over some water and, presto!, Cabernet du Christ.

I could go on and on - but you get the picture. What starts out good, only gets better with focused use of what we will hereafter simply refer to as 'The Power'. 

Don't just take my word for it however; let's see what these other famous folks had to say on the subject!

“In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is Freedom, in water there is bacteria.” 
― Benjamin Franklin

“Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.”
― Frank Sinatra

“Here's to alcohol, the rose colored glasses of life.” 
― F. Scott FitzgeraldThe Beautiful and Damned

“I drink to make other people more interesting.” 
― Ernest Hemingway

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” 
― Benjamin Franklin

“An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools.” 
― Ernest Hemingway

“Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer.” 
― W.C. Fields

Do you think we'd remember any of these people today were they not inspired and fortified by The Power? I highly doubt it.

Of course you'll notice I said there were 'few', when referring to those whose contributions to the world stage were not fuelled by liquid awesome. Hitler, for example, was a teetotaller; and you know how that ended, right? You don't want to be like Hitler now do you? DO YOU?

Okay, so shut up and have a drink.